Artist + Muse: Lulemee
Art by Lulemee will be creating: Emma and Ruby Available: October 16, 2016 #Lulemee #Repaint #Disney #OUaT #OUaTEmma #OUaTRuby...
Sneak Peek: Tinkerbell
​Exquisite Tinkerbell by Laurie Everton... costume by​ Karen Holshouser.. gorgeous. #Tinkerbell #TonnerDoll #Repaints #TheRepaintSociety...
Artist + Muse: Laurie Everton Doll Portraiture
Laurie Everton Doll Portraiture will be creating: Snow White and Tinkerbell Available: October 16, 2016 #Tinkerbell #TinkerbellOUaT...
Sneak Peek: Mad Hatter
He is spectacular! Aysun really made something special. Big reveal is on Oct. 16th! #OUaTMadHatter #MadHatter #OUaT #OnceUponaTime...
Artist + Muse: Kuzey Creations
Kuzey Creations by Aysun Kuzey will be creating: Mad Hatter and Mulan Available: October 16, 2016 #OUaTMulan #MadHatter #Mulan...
Artist + Muse: Just Creations
Just Creations by Deborah Connelly-Bombich will be creating: Mr. Gold Available: October 16, 2016 #RepaintingDolls #ArtDoll...
Sneak Peek: Young Cora
Could you just die over this gown made by the amazing Cindy Friesen. Jaw dropping. Now imagine Sam's repaint wearing it. Sigh......
Sneak Peek: Young Regina
Check out this PERFECT braid by Donna Brinkley for young Regina! #ReginaMills #ProjectOnceUponaTime #OnceUponaTimeProject #OnceUponaTIme...
Artist + Muse: Designs by Donna
Designs by Donna (Donna Brinkley) will be creating: Milah and Young Regina Available: October 16, 2016 #dollart #DonnaBrinkley...
Sneak Peek: Robin Hood
We are simply blown away by the perfection of this Robin Hood. Amazing work by Becky Unger and repaint by Deborah Connelly-Bombich....