Fairytale Redux: Red Riding Hood + Lisa Ramsammy
The fairytale land is being turned upside down! Lisa will be creating her own vision on the character, Red Riding Hood. Redux meaning...

Fairytale Redux: Sherry Isenbarger + Merida
The fairytale land is being turned upside down! Sherry will be creating her own vision on the character, Merida. Redux meaning resurgent...

Fairytale Redux: Laurie Everton + Alice in Wonderland
The fairytale land is being turned upside down! Laurie will be creating her own vision on the character, Alice in Wonderland. Redux...

Doll Wars: Dolls on ebay LINKS Updated!
Classic Princess Leia by Cheryl Jax Luminara Unduli by Sherry Isenbarger Jyn Erso by Monica Kohnke Obi-Wan Kenobi by Sherry Isenbarger...

Sneak Peek: Snowbunny Padme by Monica Kohnke
One of the best costumes was in The Clone Wars! #PadmeSnowbunny #PadmeAmidala #maythe4th #monicaKohnke #MonicaKStarDolls #starwarsdolls...

Sneak Peek: Rey by Lisa Ramsammy
All this detail in miniature... Lisa said the hair alone took all day. #LisaRamsammy #TheDollPlace #starwarsdolls #StarWars #DollWars...

Art vs Artist Cube: Anne Motzler
"My name is Anne. I always was an art girl and a fashion victim. I started drawing my favorite characters early. I am a huge movie and TV...