Shari Marscheider - SashaBleu
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Hi, my name is Shari Marscheider. I paint under the pseudonym SashaBleu.
Unlike most of the artists in this incredible Society, I don't have any formal art training. I started drawing at age 15. I have always been in love with movies (especially Star Wars- the first movie I ever saw) and comic books, (mostly Marvel), Japanese Anime, and everything Disney. I am a total fan girl. Drawing was my way of expressing my passion. I would fill every inch of wall space in my room with hand drawn posters of all my favorite characters.
In 2000, I bought my first computer and joined the Ebay community. While I was just browsing one day, I came across this incredible repaint doll. I had never bought or collected dolls. This magnificent doll was a Gene doll repainted by Laurie Leigh as a Vampire. At the time I was obsessed with all things Anne Rice and "The Vampire Lestat". I had to have it. As my luck goes, I was also paying back student loans at the time; so, there was no way I could actually afford to buy the doll. I saved and printed out every picture. Then, I found other repaint artists, like Noel Cruz (OMG! More printing and saving pictures). I even found one who made Star Wars dolls and others who made Star Wars doll clothing. I was in fan-girl-geek Heaven. So, one day, discount coupon in hand, I went shopping at Michaels for paints and brushes and my repaint adventures began. (I guess "adventures" is a polite word for "my first attempts at repainting completely sucked"). I continued to practice and learn every day.....
Today, I am still a total fan girl. The dolls I create are mostly inspired by movies, TV, comics and Hollywood Superstars. I sell regularly on Ebay. Once Upon a Time is actually one of my favorite TV shows, so I can't wait to see everyone else's creations. I am honored to be a part of this Society and am in complete awe of all the talented individuals in this group. I hope that I can someday inspire someone else, like these artists inspired (and continue to inspire) me.
Great Big Hugs, SashaB