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Twenty-Four: Red

Red: Red Riding Hood

Will be created by:

Sam Danson of Halo Repaints

Red lives in a village terrorized by "the wolf". Her grandmother worries about her all the time, warning her to always wear her red cape as it will protect her.

After a night when the wolf killed many men, Red noticed her boyfriend was missing and his footsteps lead straight to her window. She tells him she is worried he may be the wolf and together they make a plan to tie him to a tree and wait for his transformation. Red promises to stay and watch over him.

Snow, hiding from the Evil Queen at Granny's cottage is asked by Red's grandmother where Red is. Snow explains what happened and Granny tells her they have made a terrible mistake.

By the time they get to Red and her boyfriend, it is too late. Granny throws the red cape over Red and she transforms back into a woman and discovers she is the wolf and she has killed her boyfriend.

Red comes from the story Little Red Riding Hood and is portrayed by the gorgeous Meghan Ory.

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