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An Interview with Becky Unger

By Samantha Danson

Today we chat with Becky Unger, costumer extraordinaire, who makes clothes for not only her own dolls but a lot of the other artists in

The Repaint Society!

How many shows have you been involved with?

I have been involved in 3 shows up to now. I started with GoT by creating a costume for Laurie Leigh's Tyrion Lannister, I also participated in the OUAT and Doll Wars shows.

How long does a TRS project generally take for you?

Up until now, I have only been involved in creating costumes. I would

say I average about 20-25 hours per costume depending on complexity.

Except for the first show, I have completed multiple costumes for the

OUAT and Doll Wars projects for other artists as well as the dolls I

have sponsored.

What's the hardest/best thing about participating?

Hardest has been not trying new ideas due to real life time constraints.

Best has been watching the creative collective at work and knowing

that I am part of the group.

What's your personal favorite TRS achievement?

Looking back at all of the costuming I complete for the 3 TRS

projects, I have to say that hte one I feel the most accomplished with

would be Robin Hood. I think this is in part to the fact that Deborah

took a Caine doll I had sent her and transformed him very successfully

into Robin, so in dressing him I could see the completed project in

front of me. In answering the question, it was hard to decide between

Robin and Kylo Ren as both costumes were very detailed and a


What's the most expensive element you've incorporated?

Probably beside the doll cost, I would say accessories. For the recent

Doll Wars project, I commissioned leather boots and belts for the


What excites you most about this show?

The freedom to use my imagination to create the character I would like to see.

Why did you pick your character?

This is a bit of an interesting situation. I was one of the last to

pick and was trying to decide (as I wasn't as familiar with the

choices left to choose from). Monica (bless her!) and I had a

discussion about what I was considering and she offered her pick if I

wanted to take it. I was sincerely grateful to have that opportunity.

Being that it is Belle, I am more familiar with the character due to

the recent movie and have fallen in love with the live action movie.

However, if it had not happened this way,I would have chosen another

and researched the character in depth.

How did you decide your concept?

Doing some research on alternate Belle costuming and some concept

ideas from cosplayers, I decided on what will most likely be a

steampunk theme blending with the styling from 18th century.

What will be your greatest challenge in creating her?

I may not be able to stop and say "Finished!"

Thanks so much, Becky! Can't wait to see how your version of Belle

wows the crowd!

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